
About Me

As a dedicated Software Engineer, I thrive on overcoming complex challenges and devising innovative solutions. My goal is to design sophisticated, efficient, and user-centric software that solves real-world issues. Let's collaborate to transform ideas into impactful realities!

Multi Text Query

This application is designed for:

  • Data entry and multi-threaded text search functionality.
  • Validating and storing data about product rebates to a text file.
  • Displaying entered records in a list-view object within the application's user interface.
  • Performing multi-threaded text searches on a text file containing 18,000 sample records.

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Mutual Friends Ranking

This application is designed for:

  • Data Input: Ensure you have the input data containing information about friendships and mutual connections.
  • Configuration: Make necessary configurations in the MapReduce job, such as specifying the input and output paths.
  • Execution: Run the Hadoop MapReduce job to analyze the data and find the top ten pairs of friends with the most mutual connections.
  • Results: The results will be stored in the specified output path, showing the top ten pairs of friends with the highest mutual friend counts.

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This application is designed for:

  • Modular architecture with support for multiple rate limiting algorithms.
  • Dynamic rate limiting configurations.
  • Secure authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Caching using Redis for improved response times.
  • Monitoring and metrics to track rate limiting activity.
  • High availability and scalability for reliable service.

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